Wednesday, 2 January 2013

2013 is going to be a biggie!

This year I have decided to dig a little deeper when it came to setting myself some goals.  I thought I would expand a bit on the usual 'exercise more', 'eat healthy foods', 'lose weight', 'do more of what I love' etc etc. 

I think by only having the above on your goals list is pretty boring since most of the world have new years resolutions like that...there is so much  more that we can add to that if we have a real good think about it.  One of our news channels did a poll on what were the top new years resolutions for 2013 and the tried and tested culprits came up once again 'lose weight', 'exercise more', 'spend more time with the family'...if most of the country have that on their 'to do' list for 2013 it is pretty clear that we have all failed miserably once again to stick to our news years resolutions of 2012 since those were the top few new years resolutions from last year too!  Why is is that most of us seem to start off in January with a hiss and a roar with all the enthusiasm in the world and by February we have a little less focus and by March we are back to our old ways wishing things were different.  I don't believe its a lack of will power, I believe we are just going about things in the wrong way!  Now that's good news isn't it!  Which brings me to the point of the value of a Health Coach in your life.  We are the ones that educate and inspire you to do things you never thought were possible, we help you to identify areas in your life that require attention so that you can feel fulfilled and nourished on every level, we work with you to ensure that you are eating a diet tailored just for YOU, one that nourishes you on every level and one that will go way beyond just fuelling your body.  If all these things are in balance i.e. diet, exercise, work, relationships and spirituality you will be living your best life yet and be MORE than capable of sticking to your new years resolutions.

So with the above in mind, below are my new years resolutions for 2013 which go beyond the norm and have taken a bit of thought:-

  • I would like to focus on living more authentically...this is a big one for me since being diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  I believe that this is one of the many ways I will be able to heal myself fully and permanently.  A guest post on Jess Ainscough's blog described what living authentically actually means for those who are a tad confused;

  • Educate and expand my knowledge on health and nutrition from an holistic point of view.  I plan to do this by continuing to do daily self tuition but I would also like to put some formality around this by studying at the world's largest nutrition school, Integrative Nutrition in NYC.  I am so excited to have finally stumbled across what i'm truly passionate about in life (this was brought about by my breast cancer diagnosis) and it is my vision to be able to help others in the future who would like to live not only healthier lives but happier ones too even after a health crisis;

  • Learn to become more aware of my own needs by listening to my body and just being present in the now.  This is something that I find really hard to do since I always tend to focus on others needs before my own.  I'm also a bit of a worrier which means i'm always thinking about the future and worrying about things that may never happen, so by focusing on the present moment and being present in the now I can enjoy the now and let the future take care of itself since I can't change it anyway so whats the point on wasting energy on worrying!;

  • Slow down!  I'm even more determined to slow down after reading the book 'Rushing Woman's Syndrome' by Dr Libby Weaver.  You can read my blog post on it here and how I feel that it is relevant to my life especially in the wake of a breast cancer diagnosis;

  • Do more of the things that bring me joy each day.  This is easy to say but hard to do when you are a wife, mother of 2 and work part-time but I believe that you are always able to make time for the things that are most important to you in life, I just need to make sure that I make these a priority in my life and the time will come to me;

  • Believe in myself and love myself daily.  Before my breast cancer diagnosis there was quite a bit of self loathing going on for reasons I was not even aware of.  Lately I have been focusing a lot on being kind to myself, encouraging myself, believing in myself and my own uniqueness and special capabilities;

  • Start a regular yoga practice.  Phew, do I need this!  I have always been a 'spin class girl' or a 'pump class girl'...all the exercise classes that have loud music pumping for most of the session and are intensely physical.  But since my breast cancer diagnosis I have been more open to the need to focus more on how I feel, listen to whats going on inside and nourish myself by being present and in the now.  Yoga is great for this and a great way to start out with some light exercise again after having done no exercise in 2012 whilst undergoing cancer treatment;

  • Mediate!  Yes...this is very new to me but from what I have read the rewards are immense.  So i'm going to start with trying to do it once a day for 5mins and go from there.  I will let you know how I get on;

  • I would like my blog to turn into something that is not only a way of clearing my head and putting my thoughts down on paper but a blog that is helpful to others wanting to lead happier healthier lives and to get a few more followers.

Phew I think that's about it!  I can't wait for the end of this year when I will be able to reflect and see how I got on!

Happy New Year everyone xxooxx

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