Saturday, 19 January 2013

5 reasons to be in love with quinoa

Pronounced "keen-wa", quinoa has become a staple grocery item in our kitchen pantry since being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 and below you will find out why.  Quinoa is an ancient super grain that comes from the Andes mountains in South America.  It is easy to prepare and best of all quick to prepare...I believe it is like a modern day convenience food and the best part about it is its good for you.  The other great thing about it is that it can be prepared in so many different ways.  If you click here you will find 10 ways in which you can easily use quinoa and that is just the start. 

The thing that I like best about quinoa is that it is a complete protein i.e. it contains all 8 essential amino acids which makes it complete.  Its by far a much better source of protein than meat as it doesn't contain the saturated fat that meat contains and you don't to worry about what the quinoa has been eating like you do with animal protein!
Quinoa can be found in your local health food store or in the bulk bins or health food section in your supermarket so its very easy to get if you open yourself up to its possibilities.

5 reasons to love quinoa

  1. Its versatility.  Once you know how, you can use it in your baking or as part of your dinner menu or even as a breakfast cereal.
  2. Quinoa is packed with vitamins and minerals and is a great source of protein.
  3. It is gluten free which is great news for all your coeliacs and gluten intolerant people out there.
  4. Great time saver.  From the time you put it in the pot to the time it is ready to be served is approximately 5mins depending on how much of it you are thats fast!
  5. Quinoa is great energy for your workouts.  1 cup equates to about 8grams of protein.
Now go forth and 'keen-wa-ize' your life :-)

1 comment:

  1. I love quinoa and it is so easy! Your carrot and bean quinoa salad recipe rocks!
