This morning i had a whole heap of things that i needed to do. I needed to go grocery shopping, i need to take photographs of things that we'd like to sell on trademe to de-clutter the house and i need to make a much needed start on my Christmas shopping! It seems that the 1st December pops up on your calendar and you instantly feel panicked that there is not enough time to get everything done by Christmas Day! Do you feel this way too? Its strange how we behave as humans...just a week before the 1st December was upon us i felt like there was heaps of time to get things sorted for Christmas but as soon as you see 1st December appear on your calendar you are suddenly filled with 'oh no, do i have enough time to get everything done before Christmas!'. Why could i not have started preparing for Christmas in November? Its almost like the 1st December is that fire cracker that you need under your bum to get things organised! Anyway, my point is that instead of rushing around like a blue arsed fly this morning getting chores done and running myself down, i decided to nourish myself instead and do what i love i.e. listen to some health talks videos on Jessica Ainscough's website and write a blog post! I can tell you that i'm going to feel MUCH better after doing that than i would have felt rushing around the shops and i'll be setting myself up for the day to feel good about myself which will then show in how i act/behave around my kids and husband. Yes i know i still need to get my chores done, but i have looked in my diary and i have created space to do them some other time. One of the many things i have been focusing on at the moment is the need to nourish yourself and create space and time for yourself. If you do that then you'll find that you feel like you have so much more time in your day even when you felt like you were busy before. Look after No. 1 aka: YOU and the rest will take care of its self, i promise it works! We just need to learn how to look after ourselves properly and that is one of the main reasons why having a Health Coach in your life is very beneficial as they can show you how. Unfortunately in this modern day of age we have forgotten how to look after ourselves because we are too busy looking after everyone elses needs and we tend to neglect our own. Remember what the airline video says when you get on the plane "always put your own oxygen mask on first before you tend to anyone else"...and that is true for how we should live our lives.
Something else that i have been made aware of through the Nutrition school is 'bio-individuality'. No one diet works for everyone because none of us are the same, we are all made up differently with different needs so whatever diet may work for one person doesn't necessarily mean it will work for the next person. I hate using the word 'diet' so for the purpose of this blog i'll refer to diet as 'a healthy eating plan' instead. There are two important things to remember when you are thinking about scrutinising your healthy eating plan and that is:-
1. Whichever healthy eating plan you decide is right for you, the number one priority is to ensure that it is REAL food and what i mean by that is make sure its wholesome WHOLE food, nothing genetically modified and be sure that you use only the freshest ingredients where ever possible.
2. Listen to your body. Your body requires different nutrients at different stages in your day/life so what may feel right for you today may not feel right for you next month or next year. We are continually changing from day to day, the seasons are changing and what we do physically today may not be what we do tomorrow, so its important to listen to what your body might be telling you and not to ignore its needs. When last did you actually listen to what your body was asking to feed it instead of just stuffing a sandwhich down your throat just because the clock said lunchtime...was your body even telling you that it was hungry?
So i have a recipe for you today (hence the heading of this post). I found it on one of my favourite go to websites called
www.greenkitchenstories.com. Green Kitchen is an inspiring source of organic and tasty vegetarian food, with ingredients straight from nature, using whole grains and seeds, good fats, unrefined sugars and no meat. I tried this recipe about about a week ago and as you can see from the picture if looks pretty too (the picture that i took was from the salad that i made, not the picture off the website, impressive for a novice hey!! It is also packed with so many nutrients it will blow your mind. Here are some of the nutrients your body will be thriving on if you eat this salad:
Beans:- low in saturated fat and sodium (salt); a good source of Vit B6, Iron, Magnesium, Protein, Vitamin C and Folate.
Quinoa (this grain dates back 3 to 4 thousand years and originates from the Incas): It is a complete protein containing all 9 essential amino acids. It contains Iron which keeps our red blood cells healthy. Its rich in Magnesium which helps relax blood vessels and in turn will help alleviate migraines. There are a heap of other nutrients in quinoa but i can't name them all. Type 'quinoa benefits' into google and have a read for yourself..you will be astounded.
Carrots: they are nutritional heroes' as they store a goldmine of nutrients. The main nutrient in carrots is carotene which the body converts to Vit A which is essential for so many bodily functions.
Anyway, before i go on and on about how good this salad is for you, below is what you have all been waiting for, the recipe. And once again i'd like to thank greenkitchenstories for creating this masterpiece of a recipe and for inspiring me to write about it! The important thing to remember is not to get bogged down by coming across something in the recipe that you may not have in your pantry. If you don't have it leave it out or substitute it with something else...make the recipe your own! For example if you don't have heirloom carrots (I didn't) then use normal carrots instead. If you don't have lingonberries either leave them out or replace them with cranberries. Go on use your imagination, you will be surprised at what you come up with and how good it tastes!
Crunchy Bean, Quinoa & Carrot Salad
Serves 4
If you time it right, this salad can be prepared while the quinoa is cooking. Then you won’t only have a quick salad, but it will also be lukewarm, which is how I like it best. If you don’t time it right it will be served cold, but that tastes pretty darn good too.
1 lb (450 g) green and yellow beans, trimmed
2 cups quinoa
8 heirloom carrots, sliced thinly
2 spring onions, thinly sliced
1/2 cup raisins
1 cup toasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped or halved
1/2 cup lingonberries (can be replaced with red or black currants or fresh cranberries)
4 tbsp Dijon mustard, preferably coarse grained
3 tsp honey
juice from 1 medium sized lemon
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
4 tbsp olive oil
sea salt & black pepper
Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Trim off the edges of the beans and put them in a large sauce pan with boiling water and a pinch of salt. Remove after only 1 minute, using a sieve. Put the water back on the heat. Rinse the quinoa and then add them to the water. Let boil for about 15 minutes, or until you can see the small tails on the quinoa. Meanwhile, add the carrot slices to a small bowl. Pour about 2 tbsp olive oil over them and toss until all are coated in oil. Spread evenly on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Sprinkle some salt over and bake for about 7-8 minutes (depending on how thinly sliced they are). Keep an eye on the oven so they don’t burn. Remove when the edges are starting to curl. Now it’s time to make the dressing. Whisk together mustard and honey. Add lemon juice, vinegar and oil and whisk for about 30 seconds. Add salt and pepper according to taste.
Assembling: Add beans, cooked quinoa, roasted carrots, onion and raisins in a large salad bowl. Pour over the dressing and toss, using your hands, until everything is well mixed. Top with toasted hazelnuts and lingonberries and serve immediately.