I have been inspired by others to write a list of what I am most grateful for in 2012 and a list of achievements from the year.
At first the thought of this was met with a bit of resistance because 2012 was the year that I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had year long surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. But then I read a quote that said "the times in your life when you feel the most resistance are the times in your life when there is opportunity for the most growth in your life" and I believe this to be true. Wouldn't it be great to be able to look back at 2012 and write a list of things that I am grateful for even after what I have been through. This can only do me good and will enable me to grow. So...here you go:-Grateful for:
The support I received from my friends, family and even strangers whilst I was going through my therapy. From meals dropped off at my front doorstep, to phone calls telling me that they were thinking of me to complete strangers walking up to me in the street and telling me that I look beautiful (even though I had a bald head) and that I was inspiring to them...these are all things that pulled me through a very tough year;
The down days that I did have were very few and far between and this was partly due to the support I received from supportive people around me;
A very patient boss and job that I could go back to whenever I felt well enough;
The odd day sprinkled in between my bad days where I had enough energy to play with my children in the park or sit and read them a story;
My cancer - I know this may sound very odd to say that I am thankful for my cancer, but having cancer has opened up my eyes to so many things in life that I would never have appreciated if I hadn't become ill. I will write more on this in 2013. Me having cancer has also revealed to me what I'm passionate about most in life which is to become a Health Coach and inspire and educate others to lead healthier happier lives;
Enough money to cut my work down to 2 days a week and the ability to focus on becoming a Heath Coach so that I can expand my knowledge on true health and happiness;
Two healthy kids who are doing just fine after spending a year with their mom who was very sick most of the time;
Kicked cancer in the bum and have come out the other side feeling stronger and happier than before;
I bounced back to being relatively normal (besides the fatigue) from a year's worth of treatment in only a few weeks. This is not just pure luck either, I have changed a lot of things in my life for this outcome to be possible and I will write more on this next year;
I married the man of my dreams in March of this year;
I kicked my craving for sugar and caffeine;
I made a decision to invest in my future and start studying at IIN;
Saying yes to myself more often and no to others by becoming more aware of my own needs and putting myself first more often than not;
Learning to slow down and listen to my body (this is still work in progress!);
The ability to be present by learning to do a little meditation and the guts to just be myself rather than be someone that others want me to be.
So much to be greatful for! And how wonderful that you can focus on the positives and allow those to encourage you xx