Can the words 'healthy' and 'fun' be put in the same sentance or are we all kidding ourselves? YES, ABSOLUTELY...they can be put into the same sentance and they will love and cuddle each other like a couple of loved up teenagers. The trick is knowing how to. The good news is once you know how its very simple and easy peasy lemon squeazy...hooray I hear you shout!
Carrying on from my post how to stick to your health regime when you go away, we went away for two nights over New Years to meet up with some friends and have a good time with the family. We went to Hanmer Springs which is about an hour and a half's drive from where we live. When I booked the accommodation I made sure that we booked into a motel with a little kitchen so that I access to cooking facilities should I need them. And because I strive to be a 'green juicing wellness warrior' on a daily basis since being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, I packed my trusty blender into the car so that I could whip up smoothies for brekkie on a daily basis. This is a great way to start the day, kick your metabolism into gear after a long fast during the night and help your body to detoxify amongst other things. The trick is to make enough smoothie for breakfast as well as a snack later. I poured the rest of my morning smoothie into a flask and popped it into my handbag so that if we were out mid morning and I suffered a hunger attack I was able to cleverly pop open my handbag with lighting speed and gussle down a nourishing snack in no time. Another thing I did was I always made sure that I carried a little container of nuts around with me too which helped in the afternoons when we were out and about and I needed something small, nourishing and satisfying to carry me over until dinner time. The rest of the time I stuck to salads that included proteins like pulses and grains or fresh seafood. I find this easiest when I am away and have limited access to healthy food especially if you are in a smaller town or city with limited healthy food options around. This way you always have healthy snacks on hand and you are free as a bird to go and have some fun! So in summary the 3 main things that got me through the festive season were the following:-
1. Taking my blender away with me on holiday;
2. Always having a little lunchbox of nuts and seeds in my handbag;
3. Having some fruit to hand at all times.
So...those were some of the ways I stayed healthy and had fun during the festive season but how did I stay feeling inspired? Well its easy...I surrounded myself with things that inspire me. For example some of the family had asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I said that I would like a copy of Kris Carr's Crazy, sexy kitchen recipe book. This book is packed with mouth watering recipes which are not only healthy but tasty too, isn't that brilliant! I felt inspired to be in the kitchen and try out some new recipes on the family which you already know were a success from this post. Another gift from santa was a move nourish believe diary by Lorna Jane. This diary has daily tips and inspiration to keep you feeling good about yourself and your life...go and check it out you will love it. And the final gift I received from santa (yes I was a VERY lucky girl although this was a gift to myself from myself) was a book of inspiring words that I picked up from KiKi-K which is pictured above amongst the others. I often flick through it for my daily dose of "feelgoodness". Kiki-K have some great inspirational journals which I came across in the holidays, if you want to check them out you can find them here.
Go and be inspired everyone xxxooxxx
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